Closing the loop: our journey to a circular economy

Download our Sustainability Review 2023

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"We want to live in a world free from worries
about climate change. A world where our
shared planet is sustainable, green and
where used materials aren’t wasted."

Imagine a world where nothing is wasted and everything is reused. A world that is not only cleaner, but healthier and happier for people to live in. This is a world that we’re determined to make possible. The world is at a turning point, where the old methods of production and consumption are rejected for more sustainable alternatives. At Renewi, we’re helping to transform the way materials are used and helping to create essential new products. By enabling the circular economy, we’re part of the sustainable solution that will allow future generations to enjoy a cleaner and happier planet.

Review 2023

"Our year in a review - FY24 highlights"


Our sustainable development goals – aligned with the United Nations SDG’s:

We have aligned our business operations and new sustainability strategy with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) that are relevant to what we do and how we operate.



We take action to protect the climate by carbon avoidance and recycling waste that would otherwise be sent to incineration or landfill.

Responsible consumption
and production

We enable the circular economy by supporting responsible consumption and production.

Sustainable cities
and communities

We reduce our carbon emissions while collecting waste in cities and urban areas.

and clean energy

We lower our carbon footprint by using renewable energy and we sell green energy produced on site.

Clean water
and sanitation

One of our key treatment activities is cleaning waste water to make it re-useable.

Good health
and wellbeing

Keeping employees safe and well is a key objective, and we have the same responsibility to local communities.