Mission75 – Renewi's mission to recycle 75% of waste by 2025
Towards a circular future
More and better recycling. Specifically, we want to increase our recycling rate from 64% in 2020 to 75% in 2025. AND we want to produce higher-quality circular raw materials. So that we – and the generations after us – have a better future. That's Mission75. How will we achieve this goal? By investing in innovations to produce circular raw materials.
See the video of our Mission75
Use of materials is the biggest cause of greenhouse gases
Did you know that 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from material use? From extracting raw materials, transporting them and processing them into products – humanity has a huge impact on the Earth's climate.
One of the consequences of increasing the emission of greenhouse gases is the rise in global average temperatures and the increase in extreme weather, such as drought, heat waves, heavy rain and hurricanes. This is also becoming increasingly visible in our everyday lives.
Renewi's sustainable vision and strategy
Renewi wants to protect the world by giving used materials a new life. We want to be the leading waste-to-product specialist in the world's most advanced circular economies. This is what our renewed strategy is based on.
Innovate together
Listen to Impact Podcast NL: Renewi talks about innovation through chain cooperation
Interested in how Renewi innovates and how Renewi involves innovative start-ups and supply chain partners? You can hear more in this episode of Impact Podcast NL with innovation manager Ernst-Jan Mul.
Share your innovative idea with Renewi
Are you or is your organisation interested in circularity AND in developing an innovation? Do you want to put these into practice on a commercial scale? If so, please contact Renewi today.