Processing techniques
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Processing techniques

Destra uses appropriate, confidential and secure techniques for processing all those materials that you would rather not see falling into anyone else’s hands. Processing is always strictly monitored. At our secure facilities, we process everything in accordance with the strictest of guidelines and using specific technology. We then give as many residual materials as possible a new life, using them as ingredients or as a source of energy.

  1. Shredding
    We reduce your materials using blades moving in opposite directions. You determine the size of the residue material yourself. This can be between 10 and 100 mm. Suitable for almost all materials, including paper and cardboard, textiles, plastics, wood and metal.

  2. Cutting
    We mechanically reduce the size of your products by cutting them into small pieces and strips. Suitable for paper and cardboard, textiles and plastics.

  3. Compressing
    Metal plates are driven forward to compress your materials and turn them into bales. Suitable for paper and cardboard, textiles and plastics.

  4. Paper shredding
    We reduce your paper and cardboard to slivers using blades moving in opposite directions.

  5. Incineration
    Any materials that cannot be recycled are incinerated. The resulting heat is used to generate energy.